Edited by Molly A. Minnick, (A.C.S.W) and Kathleen J. Delp, (A.C.S.W) with Mary C. Ciotti, M.D. This book is must for all professionals working in the expanding field of prenatal diagnosis and reproductive genetics and for the parents in their care. It is written by parents who have faced the news of a fetal anomaly with grief and courage. Read their words and learn of their journey through grief and healing. Pineapple Press is pleased to announce the publication of the 4th edition of A Time to Decide, A Time to Heal. This book is distilled wisdom from parents who learned that their unborn babies had serious or lethal anomalies – parents who hope their words will speak to the hearts of other bereaved parents.
By Kathleen J. Delp, A.C.S.W. and Molly A. Minnick, A.C.S.W. This manual is the result of an exhaustive effort to gather information from professionals currently facilitating support group programs as well as from the parents who attend. Included is all of the information needed to initiate and facilitate a number of different support programs. “This manual is a much needed resource and will be helpful to all health care providers.” — Fran Rybarik, R.N., M.P.H. RTS Bereavement Services.
By Wendy Lyon with Molly A. Minnick, A.C.S.W. Never before has anyone written on the topics of prenatal diagnosis and abortion with such clarity and passion as Wendy Lyon. A mother who learned that her unborn son had a serious chromosome anomaly, Wendy desperately struggled with the decision of her life… to continue or interrupt her wanted pregnancy. After ultimately deciding to interrupt the pregnancy, Wendy embarked on the long, lonely road to healing. Along the way she asked many difficult and troubling questions as she searched for meaning to her son’s short life. One cannot read “A Mother’s Dilemma” without being profoundly touched by Wendy’s words.
Now, for the first time, this proven resource is available for Spanish-speaking parents who have learned that their unborn baby has a serious or lethal anomaly. Made possible by the generous supporters of the Jack Hazen Memorial Fund. The Jack Hazen Memorial Fund was established in loving memory of Jack Hazen Colvin. Jack was the son of Chris and Mel Colvin. He was diagnosed with Trisomy 13 at 34 weeks gestation. He was born and died on February 14, 1997. After losing Jack, his mother wrote in establishing this fund: “I found this book (“A Time to Decide, A Time to Heal”) to be a great comfort. I want to make sure that there is a way for everyone out there to get this book.